An Intercultural Exchange

It’s almost seven months since the start of the ICS programme in Bolivia, in which three different project groups have received around 50 British volunteers who have shared directly in a work and social context with 8 Cooperantes Técnicos – Bolivian volunteers.

There have been many experiences and, apart from the great contribution made by volunteers to the social projects, they have been creating an intercultural environment.

As I observed, reflecting the relationship between young people from different backgrounds in education, lifestyles, customs, religions, beliefs and traditions, despite these range of differences; I see that there are many similarities in the manner of thinking and behaviour by both British and Bolivian volunteers.

For example, one of the very good opportunities to realise our similarities in dynamics occurred in the first weeks of the Induction period by Team Leader Tom: both volunteers and Cooperantes exchange their views on different topics such as ethnic minorities, religion, same-sex marriages, etc. In conclusion, we discovered that there exists a great respect for different views and, above all, we could see that many agreed on these issues and have the same points of view in spite of their different backgrounds.

It is clear that we are all part of a generation tending towards a more open society and accepting new ways of life, including situations that could be controversial or difficult to comprehend for older generations. Therefore, it is a generation that understands different lifestyles better and is open to a dialogue of sharing and communication. This is clearly reflected in the desire for intercultural exchange that the ICS programme emerged from. I believe that this programme is a great opportunity, apart from helping us to develop professional skills, you also end up in a position where you are challenged to constantly grow personally. Therefore this is an absolutely enriching cultural exchange in its fullest sense.


Emma Rada, Cooperante Técnica for our Ludoteca project with Aldeas Infantiles SOS, writes: “During the induction period in Bolivia, ICS volunteers spend a day visiting places around the centre of La Paz with the Cooperantes Técnicos. The Cooperantes Tecnicos work with the volunteers in each project with our partners, sharing experiences from the previous cohorts and helping the volunteers to know more about their Bolivian context. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement as it’s always great to have intercultural friends and experiences!”

Written by Anahi Aguilar

Edited by Liam Hilton

Photography by: Anahi Aguilar

Posted on January 31, 2013, in UpClose Bolivia and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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